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Sorry, I can't figure out what's wrong with the game. The game is writing version 0.1.2, but on the site 0.1.3

ah thats my bad, I didnt update the counter in the save code

May I by any chance ask what is the progress on the update?

the multilingual test version (with new characters and locations) is already on my discord, it is still very unstable however


Good luck


Can you make it that when food is in the fridge it lasts longer


That is already the case


你的游戏是非常好的,但我在你的pixiv看到一个新的游戏,我什么时候可以玩这个游戏?(如果你是忙碌的,请无视我)【我来自中国,所以我的英语不是很好,我很喜欢  玩你的游戏由于我不仅喜欢通货膨胀,我也喜欢女孩放屁,你是我心目中的英雄如果你能看到它,你可以回答我,谢谢

(1 edit) (+1)

What other game did you see on Pixiv? This is my latest game

Also, please join my discord, I have a test version for A Bellyful Life that supports Chinese


OK,但米ÿ网络不是很好,所以它 有没有被验证我的生日


I can't open the link to the beta version, but I see the text of my country, thank you

where can I find the discord link?


bottom left on the main menu



i found a glich

if you put food in the frige and take it out you cant put pills in it

i saw some images where it looked like a different house and different character as player, how do people do that?


I think those were fan made pictures of custom characters

(1 edit) (+1)

Good luck for your graduation 




so is fierylion back and why gone fore so long

im not being mean i just want to know


Busy with life stuff.

(1 edit) (+5)

My paper got rejected, and I’ll get kicked out of my graduate program if I dont get something published soon :(


I'm sorry to hear that


Sorry to hear that hope you get that assignment finished so you don't get kicked out

Is there a beach in the game

no at 

least not yet i am afraid


Hi ! your games are funny ! Can I make a few videos of it ? (knowing that I'm making a bit of ads revenues from that by posting on porn website)


your not getting an answer trust me  

Too bad if I wont have it ^^'


Sure! Sorry I’ve been busy with work



Deleted 3 years ago

Firey Lion is still alive, they just haven't posted anything in a while because they're working on a big update. They have some stuff on Weight Gaming and their discord.

oh so weight gaming is a youtube cannel right

Forum site with weight related game development.

emmmmm ...... How can I Update my game,delete the old one and unpack the new ?


if you use Itch’s app to download the game then it will update automatically


where is fierylion?


why not release a small up date instead of a big one so you don't have to work as much so often  


They're also juggling school life and some difficult scientific papers. Just be patient.


oh and can you make it were the bellies get bigger

(1 edit) (+6)

FL's planning on it

thank you


in the next update you should make it were you can change there clothes


FL said that would take too much storage space because its a new render for each new clothing

(1 edit) (+1)

What will be the sex items be?


Soon we will celebrate 100 days from the release of the game)

is a link to the guide to see what is there and not there

what jack hammer mode



I really hope fierylion waits and puts out the next update on day 69. In my honesty opinion, that would be absolutely legendary😂


Honestly, if they had actually been waiting all this time for that, I wouldn't even be mad. I'd just be happy to finally have the new update.


welp day 69 has come and nearly gone, much disappointment😔

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I get amber and aria into inflation they aren't interested when I do it?

Their inflation interest has not been implemented


fierylion its been 49 days sense you last update now i know that you have school and other stuff i cant remember the other things you have going on in life but i think for the people that are waiting for this game including me i think you should update us on whats going on only because we need to know if the game is still being worked on or if you gave up which i don't think you have gave up i think your trying to finish the game now so you don't have to keep up lauding it in peaces and then it causes you to halt your progress. but for the sake of everyone i think we at least need to know whats going on.

(1 edit)

How do I get Yumi? Might be a dumb question but I really don't know T_T.


You can find her at the clinic


I didn't think I had a kink for inflation till now. It's a good game and I really love it, what I want too know is if it's safe irl? Because I kinda wanna inflate myself now


kind of
obviously, not like in the game, thats just artistic exageration

but there is quite an established community for that topic, from food stuffing to liquid inflation

u can just search these keywords on various forums and porn sites

but always remember, if it hurts, it aint good


Thx I'll keep that in mind (especially the porn site one lol)

yo i also discovered a kink for inflation through this game

lol, my history is gonna be full of dirty inflation kinks

(1 edit) (+2)

Its been 24 days since

FL has said anything  im getting concerned


In the future you should just not give a set date for release, and simply release it when the update's ready. Or maybe say, within the next few months or something like that. 


Set dates are good, since that gives a dev a goal and keeps them on track, keeps them focused.
Besides, months and months between updates is FAR too long, unless each update doubles the content. (If FL took THAT long, Project Quimbly will beat him to the punch and make his game irrelevant, anyway.)
Disregarding the competition, without deadlines, you get those devs that make 10k a month on their Patreons and update the game maybe once every six months, and half the time they're talking about going to conventions or buying a house instead of talking about their games.

Still, FL is two months late now and only posted that credits post which didn't really give us much info. I wouldn't mind as much about the delay if it wasn't for how quiet things are.


drawing some parallels to valve here with the radio silence i see?

(1 edit) (-1)

I'm not too worried about this game becoming 'irrelevant'.
No offense to Team Quimbly, who are clearly trying their little hearts out, but based on the current state of that game, plus the lack of meaningful content updates since it was first uploaded, It'll be quite a while before it reaches, let alone surpasses A.B.L. in quality.

Yeah it wouldn't be of much concern if he hadn't missed the set date by 3 months and then only give an update every two weeks or so


Oof, I vote all future updates for this game should be smaller, but more frequent.

This is getting pretty close to the point where we need to worry that you might've been bonked by COVID or something.




Yeah I mean, I wasn't going to say anything, but at this point I'm genuinely concerned. How long has it been since anybody heard from FieryLion?


A month ago, in terms of the comments here.


Their last post on the discord server was just 3 days ago.


How many sex items will there be and can you put them in a list.


oh no


i dont think it should be possible to have NEGATIVE money


I dunno, plenty of people have negative money IRL (also known as debt)


Can you make it downloadable on phone


how's the progress


Will there be methods to inflate yourself or other Named Characters with other fluids ;) 


Soda and Mints could be fascinating
and  possibly not that hard to implement

How to increase the inflated desire of characters other than Yumi? I've tried getting someone drunk and feeding her,this triggers the navel poking event, but there was no inflated desire. Also, as mentioned in the game introduction, how to open  hacker mode.Is Null's abdomen the largest  drawing with her chest exposed during the enema?And if there's a bigger one, what else do need? If this is the best I can expect to see more and bigger belly                 I am a Chinese who can't speak English well. I hope you can understand

I think FieryLion said it's a know bug in the current version, it will be fixed in the next release.

oh thank you

How can I turn on hackermode?

I don't know.Special conditions may be required?But I think it hasn't been updated yet

hackermode is a joke, its actully portals, which are in the settings. what it does is allow you to force food into the girls stomaches and bowels

Setting -> Enable Portals



Would it be possible, for when the girls reach a certain threshold of desire, to have them self inflate/stuff? Only to like, 50% of their max capacity or something, or maybe there is more than one checkpoint? Ramping up from 25% to 50%?

IDK, this sounded better in my head but yeah, great game!

Hiya do you have a patreon?

hows the work going


When will there be a version for Android phones? Because the saved data in my browser disappeared 2 times


looks like no-one's really saying much so can i ask 

how's fierylion doing 

Can i ask a question


ask directly fam but be polite to increase the chance of Fiery to respond

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