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Will the character have a larger body size? I mean will this game continue to be updated?

Could you at some point fix the bug that prevents Amber from dealing damage?

Deleted 61 days ago

which unit?

Deleted 61 days ago

Hello FieryLion, for some reason I can't view your response to my post requesting permission to write a fanfiction story about this amazing game. Could you please respond to this one?


Of course, you can do whatever you want with the characters in my game :)


i like this,but is little difficult

Deleted 1 year ago

sorry it should be fixed now but I’m not too sure, I don’t have android test device right now

a chance to freeze sorry

what mission are you on?

any time the shutter closes it has a chane to freez

happy new year

Bambi should be fixed now

Yes thank you for making this game

The latest update has been making it so when I was in battle and then tap the fast forward button the game freezes. This has happened 3 times of ~10 battles all of which I was using Rye and/or Rose.

let me check

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This has only happened when I had bambie also in the squad as well.

I have found out just a minute ago that it happens when bambie hits ~5 different  foods at once with her shot gun.

ok got it again but with a single orange getting hit by the shotgun pellets in close range

I can’t reproduce the crash (nearly 20 battles with no errors). However I did fix another bug I found where snake enemies will crash the browser version

I am using the browser version (sorry forget to say it)

I have been able to reproduce it.  Here is  the specs of bambi

managed to freeze it with only bambi

so many pop ups for the stomach all at once

Bug report: the teams get stuck on the random event dice in missions pretty often. They'll stop at the die, you get the notification that you got something or whatever, then if you try to move them off that spot, the screen just flickers the nearby tiles, and you can't make them retreat, either, since the retreat window disappears as soon as it opens.

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The game REALLY needs to mute the music while you're in the plumbing minigame.

Other complaints: None of the tutorials in the manual forging minigame work (which would really be great, since the minigames are so... odd), I have no clue what the dormitory is for, the "upgrade" system where you feed them food seems awfully underpowered as far as I've seen, and that "summer event" thing doesn't do anything (though it looks like it might be a placeholder, IDK.)


Sorry I’m reworking the sound system to selectively mute the music

Yeah the game was slowly developed over 2 years so many elements had to be replaced, or in need of replacing. The tutorials needs to be updated, and I’ll add an event instead of the summer event (since its not summer anymore lol)

I don't really think the upgrade system is underpowered, specailly later on when you start meeting more enemies you can get quite a bit of xp out of them, specailly usefull to get your backliner some xp as they wont get too much during the actual fighting, or to get new girls up to a decent level where they wont be totally obliterated as soon as the hostile food as much as look at them


So glad you came back uploading! Nice job with your new game! ^^

thank you!

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how do you train a doll


you have to level her up first

It's seems like I good game, but I don't really know what to do. And I don't know how to make money, other than completing tasks?


You can do supply missions, some supply missions give money (they have money icon).

Another way to grind money is to do easy missions with a large number of girls so you dont take damage