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Can I add Android?


not for the moment, its hard to optimize


mobile version needed

(1 edit) (-8)

No mobile, huh? I knew it


Hello FieryLion! ヾ(•ω•`)o

Nice update! And I didn't even have any crashing errors! <3

Thank you for your work again! (o゜▽゜)o☆  

P.S. Thanks for optimization too. :P

(1 edit) (-12)

Please add some realism to the game. The game isn´t realistic at all the belly gets too big pls make a mode in wich there is a Max !!! (Or make the belly more Realistic)




This game ABSOLUTELY doesn't need realism, it's a FETISH game, not GTA or The Sims! Its meaning and charm lie in the GIANT bellies!


idea: making a mode with actual NO LIMITS




I found a bug where there is no lower body limit for the squats

video of the bug

also what's the pizza for and is there a way to get more?

its a test food item for the incomplete inventory system. You can’t get more yet

ya sorry as I said this is unstable update, I wanted to release it before I had to leave for a while.


That is a 5 layer cake

I just clicked on talk (E), and when some words appeared below, i coudn´t do anything else.


click on the words (or more specifically the dialogue box)

It seems like Remy and Yumi can't inflate at all... but the update is pretty solid so far! Good luck with your personal stuff!

Hello, there is a problem that I cannot solve. I downloaded the game and it won't start, even older versions simply refuse to start. Please tell me how to solve this (all minimum requirements are met)

What happens when you try to start it? Black screen? What are your specs?

As soon as I try to start it, it immediately turns off without detecting windows. My specifications: 20 GB of RAM. I use Windows 10. No matter how I try to turn it on, it doesn’t turn on on any version

what is your GPU?

GTX 450.  Apparently it is due to the lack of graphics power that the game does not start, isn’t it?

sorry about that you need a more recent GPU to run, one that supports directX 12 it doesn’t have to be a strong GPU, just a more recent one as the game can run on even integrated gpus


How long will it take Android

its hard :c the game isn’t optimized enough for mobile yet

It's okay. We can wait.

Based on how well my laptop can handle the graphics, it at most would be 120fps with a warm phone for recent high end Samsung Galaxy models (hot on low end from experience)

How do you get the max upper and lower shown in the images? I can't figure it out.

goto the gym and work out, its across the park

You can create an apk file for the cell phone but let the game be remastered so that it does not cross the cell phones or create a video of the game

Don't forget about android.



when will it be able to play on browser


sorry this is a fully 3D freeroam sandbox game so it can’t run in the browser, it’s too performance intensive.


Sorry for the short notice, due to significant personal events that came up I may need to step away from gamedev for at least 3+ weeks. Hence I uploaded all current WIP updates and prototypes to itch over the weekend. A few more updates pending. Full blog:

(1 edit)

Ok so far in this update, I already encountered a bug.

When I was making my character do squat, it was fine and normal for me. But after that, when I was going to inflate a NPC, for some reason when I do, it says "+1 Lower Body". This did not happen when I did it before I made my character do squats.

Everything else seems almost fine, just needs some fixing, adjustments, and improvements to it. 

Really liking the way things are being set up! I can already imagine having to go to the different stores to buy food and other stuff like in the original game, it's just really neat to actually see it in 3d. Not to mention returning characters from the og game, it's all super nice!

Looking forward to seeing more implemented, you got a solid foundation for what could be the best belly-centered game in existence (imo at least). And I gotta say that even in this early build, having each npc have their own daily routine is really cool! My only suggestion for a very quick and minor update would be an unstuck button, I accidentally got soft locked trying to inflate the store clerk lol. Overall very promising, great work!

The undress option doesn't work for the player

It only moves her pants to the bottom of her left leg

Just undressed her, it's actually the right leg...

sorry I’ll extend this to her other clothing lol

At the moment, the game seems to be a good concept and has potential.

But... it has a lot of problems to solve. 

I know, programming is like trying to make milk with cereal and having it spontaneously burst into flames, I know.

So. All I can say is «Calm down».

You don't need to fly without knowing how to run. It's a good game and it has potential, but you need to learn more about how to work with these tools. Nobody learns how to drive a truck in one day.

So please (and for yourself too), try to fix what's wrong so far today, and then make more content.

And if necessary, get help. You have a good community that, I believe, is willing to help you if you let them.


Yeah thats why this update is named “Unstable” lol I figured its better to release a WIP version with massive new content than to let all players stay in the dark wondering whats goin on.

Also I have to release this unfinished build because I’ll be going afk for about a month at least due to personal stuff, so I figured it’d be best to let my community see my work progress so far.


1. If you expand the NPC and press F multiple times, the sound will linger, resulting in ghost noise. Can't stop, very jarring!

2. The game needs to be optimized, and it will freeze every time you touch new content. Dialogue lags, NPC lags, NV4070 cannot adapt...there are so many problems.

3. Driverless vehicles speeding around...horrifying!

4. If you have conducted some investigations and interactions, your judgment area will be displaced. Although the items flash, you cannot interact. The investigation pool was thrown to the sofa on the second floor, and the investigation coffee machine was thrown outside the house.

5. The NPC in "Morning Exercise Run" will move instantly or get stuck on the bench...

6. In the blueprint, the air wall where the woodworker stores the wood is too large.

7. I don’t know what the money is for, but I can’t check the amount of my money.

8. The NPC swelled and the heroine could not recover after exercising... I tested it and it was too deformed.

9. I need an archive location.

10. Although the current NPC system is not complete, I still hope to be able to "target and stop" NPCs for dialogue. Especially when the heroine is fully loaded, it is even more difficult to have conversations.

11. In the later stage, when the heroine is leaked, it will stop for too long.

12. It seems that stopping time cannot prevent the heroine from "digesting". Perhaps specific means can be used to maintain the heroine in a limited size.

13. Some store managers seem to be AWOL, and there is no one on duty 24 hours a day...for example, banks.

How to inflate npc?

do you see the button on the bottom right of the screen? First hold control which allows you to move your mouse. Mouse your mouse over and press Time Stop

When time is stopped you can inflate anyone

(1 edit) (+2)

so is there going to be any weight gain added in at some point I'm  assuming not right now seeing as theirs no way to buy food let alone money besides the coins on the ground but I do hope so soon maybe because so far I'm quite liking this oh I've also found a bug where you stop time to inflate someone when you stop the pump sounds keeps playing and one more thing how do you access your own stats 




yes awesome also I saw something about this going to steam maybe are we going to be able to still download it from here because me personally kinda don't want my friends seeing me play something like this other wise I wouldn't here the end of it from them if you no what I mean so I hope you make it so we can if you do buy it on here


you can hide Steam games from your library nowadays


Is this normal?


there’s no limit to how much u can inflate others right tnow

can u do that to the player?

(1 edit) (+1)

I mean the belly will be terribly deformed when exceeding the model’s limit so its not a good thing to uncap the limit?

i see, well thx for all your hard work!

i was mostly wondering if this game will become more like now that its 3d thx for responding!


yeah I’d need to adjust the belly growth shape keys to make it work at bigger belly sizes otherwise you’d just get a jagged mess

Please leave it as it is

For FETISH games, this is the ABSOLUTE norm

i know this game was only made 7 hours ago but.. could you add bigger everything in the near future for this game?


no this game was made at the end of last year, this is a new update.

cool i haven't seen it until now so i assumed sorry for doing so!


Is a multilingual version planned?


sorry not in the near future as I need to learn how to do multi languages with Unreal Engine


Bro updated the images for the game with new content, but didn't mention anything about an update here, on [website omitted], or on the Discord server. Bruh.


I’m late for work sry

No prob.


Just be patient. He literally just updated it and yet you have the audacity to complain that the update isn't out yet. Complaining for a free fucking game too jfc


Will there be a new Update soon ?


How long will it take to prepare the mobile version?


sorry but its not easy for mobile :c


pls add characters and people in the game and Bobbie's store


Does there will be android version?


If my phone is able to handle the entire DX LotR trilogy, which is around 12gb, it could handle a 15gb inflation vn, until then, I'm boycotting FieryLion :/


When this is more complete do you think you could put this on Steam? There really aren't a lot of inflation games on there and I would love to see one of your games on there as well.


ya I’m planning for a Steam release in the far future


When next Update ??

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

can you add cumflation as well?


Can you add a way to start off with a big capacity? I don't want to wait around for it to increase.


So...what about the mobile version?




When will a full version arrive?


Will there be a android version


Here is a suggestion: From what I saw you are doing an Android version for the game, so I meant that in the original 2D game, I can't install the APK because it appears that the version is not compatible with my device. It is a Galaxy A03 Core, I hope you conceive this mistake, removing it you are doing a great job, I'm loving your projects.

(1 edit) (+1)

Something I thought've that may be a cool item once everything else is out of the way or when the city is accessible is pump shoes, Shoes that have the air pumps on the bottom of them so every step you take pumps air, could also be useful if there was a running system to be included with said shoes.

Otherwise, I haven't noticed any real bugs in the windows version save for the fact that Ayume will sleep sideways on the bed within the blue room on the second floor, other than that its pretty good so far.

man from the looks of this it looks great but unfortunately im on Mac, you don't have to as I know how hard it is to make games but it would be really nice if you made a web version or Mac download!

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