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when will this be able for macOS sonoma? or able to be played in the browser?


Unfortunately the 3D features and large game size (nearly 1gb) means I can’t make it a web game. For Mac support I would need to buy a Mac myself to export to Mac OS :(

I will export to Linux, and I heard that Mac is able to run Linux apps but that does require some setting up.

I'm curious, will you still develop the original 2D version?


Yes but I’m unable to give a solid release date for it, it is way too unstable and I can’t tell how long it will take to fix all the bugs.


i dont have words to describe this game, you have made what no one have dared to do, you started a revolution, amazing work!!!


Will there be a save system?


Yes but not in the early versions


i really want to play but i don't want to have to download it but i really want to be able to play it in the browser could you please do that but either way keep up the good work

(1 edit) (+1)

Unfortunately the 3D features and large game size (nearly 1gb) means I can’t make it a web game.

Deleted 3 days ago
Deleted 3 days ago

liked the fountain position, was a "fresh" idea ;)

hope to see more content in the near future

Deleted 3 days ago

she stuck in the tree model.

do you have screenshot?

what happens when you press return?

it didnt change a bit

May I know your system specs?




Will there be a mobile version in the future?

(1 edit)


How long will it take?


I haven't checked it out yet, but i love you. <3

Will this replace the normal version at some point, or are you planning to update and support both versions?


Its not meant to replace the 2D version, but while I will add new features to the 2D version, I hit an upper limit on adding content to it, hence I made this version which allows me to add breast/butt inflation and also clothing change without having to double the game size every time new content is added.

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

A nice thing you could ad are like slimes that go into her belly with like different colors.

2. you could add money where she can buy stuff with like food and stuff

3. you could add cars to the streets so it feels a little bit more lifefull

4. and pls make her belly rounder when its bigger, bc like its not that round yk

5. and you could add tentecals that go in her mouth, ass, pssy and then they make her belly bigger ( dont juge pls )

Btw its a very good game so pls do not stop updating :) Keep up the good work.

How do I save the game?when I have to start a new game every time,by the way The game is great

sorry there is no save yet


I have a question

how I got banned for the discord server of I was never iven been on that server?


Are you at least 18 years old?

Deleted 192 days ago

looks like your account was banned for spamming discord links, it may be compromised. Did you take actions to take back your account?

I account was hacked

and I got it back

🗿 and that proofs of 2FA does not protect my account against Hackers

Note: I'm Lithuanian and I do not understand English fully

I revoked the ban

(1 edit) (+1)

Love the game!!
May i know if will u be increasing her limit?


of course

May i know when is the next update?(hope im not asking too soon)
It's ok if the date isn't accurate, just need some hope


sorry but I’m also quite busy with work, and this is my very first 3D game project and I’m learning the ropes as I go so… no concrete release date for next update yet. I am definitely working on it though

Good Luck !


Will there be a linux version?


So uhhhhhhh I got hacked on discord while I was offline. Logged in just to see I'm either timed out of straight up removed from server's I've been in for years including yours so any chance I can get an invite back?

its the same invite, you just need to make a new discord account

Any chance I can get an un ban tho that account has been there for years

give me your discord username

Apologies for the late reply. Same as it is here samnamo22

it looks like you’re not in my server ban list

Deleted post
Deleted post

I see so much potential with this game.

I wish to listen the water slosh with each movements.

Also a little idea, after reaching a certain size her animations would change, like for example using her hands to hold the weight of her stomach and also an animation when the player press the jump buttom when her weight wouldn't allow her

Her jump height does decrease as she gets bigger


its an incredible game i love it but i have some request 

if it possible to make it even bigger more than the maximal size 

is it possible to make a new story that make the breast growing with a nipple penetration ( don t judge please ) 

the possibility to change the keyboard configuration ? 

thx for you incredible game 

(1 edit) (+3)

maybe also add some growth as in get to be taller, maybe butt and thigh growth, maybe also add the ability to work out and build muscle 


Thanks to you the game is getting more and more interesting now.

Suggestions and BUGs:

1. I can "flash" to the bed and sleep on the stairs.

2. When the protagonist’s belly sink exceeds one-third of the screen, the belly will become very deformed. When it exceeds half of the screen, the belly bulges upward incorrectly, without the feeling of falling. And when jumping in this state, the protagonist's legs will penetrate the module. Similarly, the protagonist's belly will penetrate the wall, otherwise the volume judgment will be increased.

3. I think the protagonist's walking level should be advanced because her legs pass through the belly module, adding a special "pregnant woman walking" action. When the protagonist's belly is too big, it will be almost impossible to move. Both running-walking-pregnant woman walking-nearly immobile.

4. In "interactive" situations, a black screen will occur. I think this can be completely ignored... However, a few times, I pressed "F" a few more times and the game remained in a black screen forever, and the game still continued.

5. Overstretching clothes on the belly causes distortion. I think it adds a "undressing limit". If possible, add a belly support belt and walker.


7. The "capacity bar" above the protagonist's head is not very obvious, especially at dusk.

8. I saw a certain basement and a camera, but it didn’t seem to be the protagonist’s home. Is there any secret here?

9. Add some shortcut keys, such as hiding UI, excreting, displaying time (in the game), and restoring the rescue position when stuck in a BUG.

10. The heroine can’t jump anywhere now…

11. There are many strange places in the scene, such as the wooden frame next to the neighbor's house, the lack of sidewalks, the air walls of the wooden shed, the strange brick walls, the unlimited supply of drinking fountains...

I am a game producer. Although I am not a 3D artist, I have experienced several games as a planner. Therefore, when I see players making games, I always give feedback that is like an "occupational disease."

I don't know what your 3D level is, so I made this for your reference.


VERY excited to see this game expand, inflate and grow! Looking at the previous game as a progress goal (Suggestion at least) I can see so much more potential in this one! There's so much more room to grow!
I'm looking forward to seeing you test your skills while we all push her limits (or is that capacity?) further and further. 

Even though there's no quests, activities or anything other than her home and the fountain to  play with, there is a lot of potential to where this can and surely will go! Inventory, food to take with you, pills, even a naughty 'gas gun' or dart launcher if you're that way inclined. 

Small maps with transit between would no doubt work well for poor potato-computers like my laptop, but it ran this surprisingly well so far!

Looking forward to seeing more inflation methods (vacuum, aquarium pump, bike pump, and maybe even some object stuffing) and obviously, all the familiar characters we all love to inflate. 

I'm really impressed to see this game. It plays smoothly and other than a hope for more controls (we totally need a 'belly-rub' button XD) there's very little I can suggest to improve how this plays.

This is an incredible leap forward and has the potential to be the greatest ever inflation game out there! I wish you luck and will keep commenting when I have more to say... Hopefully there'll be some use in my rambling haha!

(1 edit)

for bike pump, she does have a small handpump she can use, did you try it?

Also how should a vacuum be used to inflate?

Quickly, I would imagine 😉
All joking aside, some vacuum cleaners have a 'reverse' switch that blows air instead of sucking, presumably either for dusting purposes or to unstick something that gets caught in the hose while cleaning. I imagine if something like that were used to inflate, it would be very quick and rather difficult to control, but available in lots of places including homes, some stores, and gas stations.

I tried the hand pump, but couldn't get her to use it again afterwards... Might be because she had some water left, or the vibrator/other pump active?

Sand got it about inflating with the vac. There's also the outlet, which some industrial models have a hose attachment to, mostly used in shops and warehouses (and workshops). Some of those places have air tanks too?

and some more charakters would be awesome

(1 edit) (+2)

I will add the other girls, don’t you worry :)

Nice thx

i wish her belly could get bigger :(

Did you manage to get to her max size?

Deleted 302 days ago

Max size? Does her capacity improve? I did an inflation at the start, water from the sink in each way (need a 'cancel activity' button as I restarted her inflation SO many times trying to stop when she was full), but once she got filled, I didn't see much change.

Ayume starts with a very small max capacity, if you keep her belly full throughout the day (and fast forward time by resting) she will be able to get much bigger (up to 20 times bigger)

Wow, I missed that! Oops. 

Love this game. I can't download it via the app because when i try downloading the app it gives me an error message. I just downloaded it manually instead. The game is great. love the grahics. Maybe you could add some more things to do like stuffing yoursef with food, or other characters that you can inflate/stuff. Looking forward to some updates.

Seems nice.Is there no popping?Like safe popping


not yet

Awesome! And a fountain!

Does it support controller?

(1 edit)

yes it does support gamepads … for basic movements only sorry


If you were to make this a android friendly game i would be Very appreciativ

I will

Many thanks to you


will this be able to be playable on mac or on browser anytime in the future


Unfortunately the 3D features and large game size (nearly 1gb) means I can’t make it a web game. For Mac support I would need to buy a Mac myself to export to Mac OS :(

I will export to Linux, and I heard that Mac is able to run Linux apps but that does require some setting up.

Looking forward to the Linux version!


This needs an FPS limiter Option for 60 and 120 FPS. The Coils of my Graficcard are screaming bloody Murder at me.


will be in next update

Hello @FieryLion ! Thank you for the "new" game. I am glad you are okay. And thank you for the optimization. My 860m on Windows 10 feels good. We will wait for the next updates as long as necessary, please do not worry. Best of luck to you.

can you run the game?


@FieryLion Sorry for delay. Yes, I did it. Thanks again for the optimization. The screenshot shows the game version 6. Basically it run to 50-60 FPS on the settings shown in the screenshot. 40 FPS only in this scene (grass/foliage).


I’m glad that you can run it!

Hey, I know you said to use the Itch app, but it looks like the latest release isn’t set up for it. It just gives an empty install box when I try.

make sure you navigate to the correct game page in the app, you should see this when pressing install:

(2 edits)

Well, then I suppose updating may be broken in that case. I have a version from Nov. 26th installed, and it won’t auto-update, and there’s no option to manually update, either.

I suppose I’ll delete and redownload entirely, since that seems to be my only option.

FWIW, I installed this version about an hour before it says version 4 was put out (03:32 installed vs 04:40 updated), so I should definitely be on the older version.

Did you press Check for Update?

(2 edits)

Yeah, nothing happened. I ended up just reinstalling. It’s still happening, too. Now it shows that you’re on version 6, but it’s not automatically updating or offering the update in any way.

Edit: Okay, so, it seems like there’s some kind of distinction between versions and updates or something, because to actually get to the next version, I have click the cog next to the launch button, choose to manage the installed file, click “Switch to another version”, then choose the latest update. Notably, Corrupted Kingdoms does automatically update for me, and also offers older versions through the same menu. I don’t know enough about the app to know what’s different, though.


can you make this one playable on browser


can you make an apk

yes but I’m busy this week, so prob this weekend


9k thanks and it's good that you made an apk to be able to run on my cell phone that I can connect mouse and keyboard 

(1 edit) (-1)

Can this be run on Win7? I'm getting the error "The procedure entry point CreateFile2 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"

(2 edits)

I’m sorry it looks like windows 8 is the minimum requirement


Thanks for updating the reqs, I know I'm behind the times ^_^


if you don’t want to upgrade windows, you can try linux as I will be pushing out a linux build


Can this be broswer play plz?


I’m sorry but Unreal Engine doesn’t have web export T.T Are you not able to run the game? I will export to Linux and Android later.

I rather play it on browser but your games are fun tho

NVIDIAドライバーでゲームを開始できませんか? エンジンを実行するには、必ず D3D11 互換 GPU (機能レベル 11.0、シェーダー モデル 5.0) が必要ですというエラーが発生します。


搭載されているGPUを教えていただけますか? 対応版を出す予定です

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