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Such a fun games, the AI seems to give us different scenes every time we restart a new run.


Can you please add new things 

Burping and farting and that bugs can crawl into anything even the body demon and picture

you can prompt for them, just type in what you want to happen



I got idea:Can find male(allie)(human) on In-game


You can already do that, just have to type it out




Idea, mods


And also put pictures for the things that I wanted


Please please please please


Can you please add new things 

Burping and farting and that bugs can crawl into anything even the body demon and picture 


Could you add a mode like comics where a sequence of images appears or the image is separated showing the events of the messages?

do you have an example?

I don't have an exact example but I'll try to explain, like creating more images or dividing the image into parts showing, understand?

Like this?


Yep something like that.


Please 🥺 🙏🏿


Can you please put give birth

you can give birth ingame, just type the command! (of course the player character needs to be pregnant for the game to make this happen…)


What command is it?

you can type any command you want! as long as your command is reasonable

Ok, but how do you type the command? Do you have to say /give birth?

yes, you know you can type anything you want right? The provided choices are only suggestions

When is the next update

tbh I’m a bit cautious about updating this game, the new influx of players might bankrupt me lmao


It could be good if you make other game like this but with slimes or backrooms with feederism tematic

I want to extend the framework so you can setup the adventure to your liking

emm sorry i didn't understand at all (im spanish)

Deleted 317 days ago

Oooooh that sounds good (yes i finally understand more english)

Yea but I accidentally pressed the accept button 

you can reeenter the API key in the settings Main Menu -> Settings


I can't access the api

did you follow the guide to get the API key?


Can you update limit of inflation thingie and add more breast thingie

(also i enjoy'd bellyful life lot)

(1 edit)

you can exceed the belly size and breast size limit, it’ll show on the 3D view. For the 2d images unfortunately that’s the max size right now (due to the online service I used to make them). When there are more demand I’ll need to rework the process (move workflow to my PC) to make bigger breasts/bellies

That is amazing. What AI is this? Does it allow you to create Visual novel like games?

And yes definitely you can make self-aware VN characters with it

Question, how do you get the AI to workand what AI on the websight are you using?

you can use any of the online AI services, like octoAI or openRouter


I want my character to burst from all the inflation, is it possible and if so, how do I do that?

you can try prompting for it, right now I don’t have the tools to render that


Hello FieryLion! <3

Thank you for the game! It's always interesting to watch you try something new and do it well. After all, you can use the experience to create a game in the future. ( •̀ ω •́ )y

<3 I’m glad you like it!


I am really impressed with the amount of player creativity this game supports. I was able to use most of the spontaneous prompts I came up with. Honestly the only prompts I could not use pertained to shrinking the belly size, sorry growing bellies are not my thing. No shame to the thousands of people who do like swelling bellies, it is a far more natural occurrence than my particular fetish. With all of that said, I think this is a great experience. 

I keep getting Error processing your message: Failed to generate text


Not the only one

I got the same thing. Idk if this is a bug or something


should be fixed

it is not. im still getting it

(1 edit)

with some certain inputs the AI will fail to produce text, that’s unfortunate but I can’t fix those cases because that’s the issue with the AI model.

The issue I fixed here is because the default API key the game used was disabled


This game is a glorious fever dream and I love it!

What is the api for ?

for me to not go bankrupt? Can you see the API key guide?

Ya i got it thanks. Is it really that expensive to make this game ?

yup Q.Q

Damm well keep up the great work 👍

Please fix the return choices. Even when it hits 0, it doesn't really regenerate.

do you have any problems with getting an API key?

no, but my Gmail doesn't have any money.

read the guide carefully the api key is free

ok, I'll check

Hoping you can fix a lot of bugs on this game and update it so it can run just fine without api key, i really hate things going too slow.

I can’t? Without API key I’m fronting the bill lol I’m gonna go bankrupt

(1 edit)

I keep getting stopped by this responce for some reason, waited about 5- 10 minutes and nothing happened (the bottom part)


sry refresh the page if that happens

it also happened to me too.



Sorry I’m not sure what you mean? If you want to download the save file, there is an option to do that

he means:What should I do if my archive is lost?


Do you plan too add pee and scat

This is so strange. When the value reaches a certain level, the body becomes distorted

(1 edit) (+1)

The posted limits (40 for belly size) are for the 3D model (and the highest visual result for the 2D images), going past it means exceeding the 3D model’s visual limit and will break at some point.

Deleted post

none right now, I might add support for openRouter API

api key doesnt working

which API key did you obtain? it must be from the posted guide. OpenAI API Key or NovelAI keys won’t work

If possible it would be nice to have an option for the narrator to refer to the main character in the third person, i.e. "the woman explores her surroundings" instead of "you explore your surroundings."

workin on it

First person could be good too, just to cover the bases.

How to add API key?

So my only problem is that no matter what i do i can never expand breasts... its getting on my nerves cuz ive played alot.... can anyone help me

Try to include the word “breast” in your action prompts


all i want is to eat berries and mushrooms until i can't move anymore but these horny-ass tentacles keep interrupting me. feels bad, man.


Tentacles are pretty dang forced, yeah. I guess it makes sense since it's the point of the game, but it still stinks when trying to get the AI to do something else.


next version you can modify the game prompts as you like

(1 edit)

i tried to do a little transformation kink but it only ends up with an error including attempting to do a dryad transformation but the game included tentacle transformation forcefully even if trying to play your cards right. And yes that also includes using magic or trying to create clothes made out of forest leaves and vines.


could please you add ass expansion?


I need help why is it 13/10

(1 edit) (+2)

the game allows you to exceed max stats ya, if you want to give birth just type “Give Birth” and press send


Is there a way to reset the numbers. 


you mean start a new game?

I meant other than that but that works too.

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