absolutely, I’m also working on making it way more customizable so players can add their own kinks and characters, I mean the game framework, not just this game specifically.
Love the new version of the game. Its really fun and story is really fun. I love the design and the different routes u can take. And the your choice is a perfect choice. Best of luck fiery.
This game is hilarious. I got used as a big bloated flail to beat on some different tentacle creatures. Then tossed like a boulder. We won the battle. 10/10
If you want people to use their own API keys, you need to include a guide to them on the main description page.* It's too new a concept to expect people to inherently know what you mean.
Overall this is an intriguing idea. I'm making this comment after 1.4, and as of this writing, the AI script generation struggles badly with respecting the player's commands and the displayed stats. It tends to circle around the desired direction and never actually get there.
Meta contextually, I'm impressed you found a workable AI service that is compatible with a sexual themed game. But for your own financial security, if you haven't already you need to replace your payment method with a preloaded account, so the service cannot auto-withdraw you into a negative bank balance.
*(I consider myself an intermediate to advanced computer user with a partial CS degree, and even I'm lost. I'm not going to click on some suspicious looking link with no explanation.)
I mean if you don’t trust the URL to the guide then there’s not much I can do to give you the instructions? I can’t fill up the main game page with 5 pages of instructions and screenshots
I do set a spending limit ofc, unless a million people use the game at once and the service didn’t cut off fast enough xD
I might implement in-game purchases so people don’t have to use their own API key.
For the AI being dumb, I had to use a small cheap model to avoid bankruptcy. If you setup your own API key, you can enable the AI Turbo mode in the Main menu settings to get smarter AI with better memory.
Hey, i just wanted you to know i just had a blast with it,
Like when i started i freed her by finding a sharp rock than cutting the tentacles wrapped around the arms and neck which freed her than made a run for it, hid, and then climbed a tree only to be pursued by the monster, scrambled for an escape route, came across the another forced red berry bush event which we'd still not taken yet than in spite of distracting the monster tried to hunt a rabbit grazing on it, failed, than let the animal finish eating and follow it to its nest after of which resulted in a feast of rabbit young, got by the monster again immediately, made a run for it before it chould catch us than in a moment of rest notice the growing sensation deep withing, tried to identify the thing within, identiflying the tentacled being; tried to communicate with the creature and take control of it and with its success deepened the connection, command it to travel to the womb(don't ask me she wasn't pregnant before) and to transform into a being that can protect her and in the moment of focus to aid the transformation discover essence of the forest and after that deepen the connection with the both of them, command the forest to protect her and the being inside her, rest and recurpurate, than let the forest guide us for another animal nest, find a nest beside an ancient oak with fruits and nuts, than in closer inspection for any animal within instead find tentacles inside, in the tentacled monsters' lair had 2 small tentacled monsters which instead of attacking directly they gently wrap around her waist and chest after she reaches out in curiosity and they offer sustenance for her, accepting the sustenance she rests and digests for more growth for the being inside,than after forging a phsychic connection with the two small beings and the being inside her, she commands them to act as a bra and panties. than she wanders guided by the forest to a place to rest and grow her offspring safe from any danger.
So yeah its a great game as in mind gymnastics, after a point you just start to only write than pick any suggestions and i didn't even activate that API key if that changes anything, and sorry in advance if it bankrupted thy wallet, my only gimp is pictures aren't(obviusly) varied but if you wanted to add more things to this test game than more pictures and tags for certain statuses both in storywriting perspective and to give more accurate varied pictures to go with the story written, i absolutely didn't feel that it lacked anything even considering the limited range of the pictures and if thats just me than excuse me for enjoying this new experience quite.
And also if anyone cringed at the above story, give a holler.
Love the game, the AI aspect makes for a unique and inviting experience every time, which I love. The idea behind this project is amazing, but the stats are a lil wonky as the previous poster said. Another issue is that even with the API key, the AI freezes up and makes progress virtually impossile (Unless you dont mind restarting often.)
Im looking forward to the progress you could make with this game. Anyone seeing this who hasn't played should still give it a trial run, at least. I have never seen a lewd game have such inter-activeness. 8/10
It's an interesting situation, exploring the jungle and all but I feel like the AI doesn't really know what to do with the stats. Despite the displayed upper limit of the stats, the values carelessly cross that limit. The events seem almost random in which stats they change, like when I choose to run away from a monster, my stamina goes up, as does my weight. The bottommost stat seems to be increasing no matter what too, either bodyfat with it enabled or breasts when bodyfat is disabled.
The images too seem rather incoherent, neither adressing the situation or the stats. The choices I got were rather repetetive, sometimes even giving the same exact answer multiple times at a single prompt.
It's a nice Idea, but the execution is lacking. It doesn't seem like the AI is at a point where you can let it handle all of the game/story on its own. Maybe you should still manage stats and choices given more manually, so that things make more sense
I just started a new game. Even though I was constantly trying to escape from vines or dodge them, the breast size is constantly increasing without visible reason. But why??
I will write a very long blog post about this, but the direction of BSOL I want to take is both 3D and web-based, rather than fixed 2D which has too many limitations, or Unreal 3D which requires expensive computers to run.
Love the new version its really fun to find different routes and really fun too. Love to hear more from u Feiry. Keep up the awesome work buddy. And ofc best of luck.
P.s api key was not letting me play can u remove the api key?
I started a new game after updating from 0.1 to 0.1.4 and after erasing my old saves (I was about to anyway) and starting a new game, the first choice I picked made the game UI disappear, leaving only the background. Was playing on the "downloaded" html version from the itch app, if that helps. Game worked fine after closing and reopening.
Will also say tho, great game so far! Takes a little getting used to the kind of prompts that the AI will work, cus the given choices usually start looping very similar encounters pretty quickly. I also noticed that it seems to assume birth happens basically whenever pregnancy is mentioned, often times getting 3 or 4 "You have given birth!" screens before the scene is over. This also makes it hard to reach pregnancy 10, although I'm unsure if that supposed to indicate duration of pregnancy or just size, like belly and breasts.
i have noticed that some things like "gather materials" and "build a shelter" don't work. it would also be cool if you could get other people into the pictures, (if the pictures are being generated along with the story)
I guess my previous comment was deleted for having a link in it, but anyway I figure you probably know what you're doing, don't mean to imply you don't! Just wanted to be helpful.
would love a cheat menu, to change things like breasts and belly size, would also love to write my own options insted of having multible choice.
another cool feature would be to have animated sex/masturbation scenes in the examine self tab, they dont need to have anything going on with the story, but it would be cool
Had two "twin" children (one is human and happened spontaneously for no reason (didn't eat anything nor had any encounters until then), the second was from a tentacle egg and was added later, but both were born at the same time). I tried to remain consistent in having the two children on my arms to make sure I wouldn't just abandon two newborns in the middle of the forest, but got distracted with eating fruit and they disappeared (Got attacked by tentacles that restrained my arms with no mention of my children, then the game wouldn't accept any input of me trying to find them), tried everything to make the game mention them again, then when it did I was doing everything for my character to find them, even trying to negotiate with tentacles in exchange of my body. Anyways, by the time I found the two children and was away from tentacle danger, I was like the image shows.
The breasts never stopped growing after I started feeding them, the belly started growing after they went missing (I ate some fruit in the meanwhile cause the game never stopped making me impulsively take a bite whenever I tried to explore a new area), but the pregnant belly was mostly after I found them, as I was restrained by a tentacle and once again gave myself in exchange of having my two children back. It grew one unit every interaction I did, I guess, cause I just looked away for a bit and it was that big...
Anyways, cool game. The saves are a bit weird sometimes, though, but I was playing the first release. Would maybe recommend trying to put a way to retry the AI's imput, as it can get things wrong or deviate the plot easily, for example if you rest while being held by tentacles only to wake up free like it never happened, or the many times I was pregnant and mentioning it was enough for the AI to assume I just gave birth.
Whole game works well on mobile, though the BodyFat option is automatically turned off and i don't think there's a setting to activate it. If there's a fix please lmk.
I didn’t save the game, but I can say that the polygons on the shoulders were going up somewhere and you could see emptiness. When you turn off the fat, the model looks better, but the shoulders still fly into the sky.
All you had to do was eat fruit because it was delicious.
The premise is pretty neat, but the AI does not seem to be able to keep up with the PC's growth. Resulting in it haphazardly throwing images with no consistency.
The pathways between scenes could also use some work.
the AI does not seem to be able to keep up with the PC’s growth
The 3D model looks bad at bigger sizes.
Did you happen to grow past the limit? (For example 20/10 bellysize and such)? The limit is for visual only, and you can definitely go past that but neither the 3D view or 2D can really make up the difference.
The pathways between scenes could also use some work.
Can you explain a bit more about what you mean with this?
1)There is no hardcap for growth so eventually you do get past it, less gain per scene could be beneficial here.
2)Some scenes have stats listed in the outcome (+breast, +preg, etc) would like to see more of that & something like a journal to note down which encounter already happened once or more.
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right now it requires an internet connection for the AI to work, I’m thinking of ways to build an offline dataset
absolutely, I’m also working on making it way more customizable so players can add their own kinks and characters, I mean the game framework, not just this game specifically.
i would love to see the process of the the image generation, and what you do to do so
Your awesome
Love the new version of the game. Its really fun and story is really fun. I love the design and the different routes u can take. And the your choice is a perfect choice. Best of luck fiery.
This game is hilarious. I got used as a big bloated flail to beat on some different tentacle creatures. Then tossed like a boulder. We won the battle. 10/10
Your game is the most amazing project i've seen for years !
Thanks :D
If you want people to use their own API keys, you need to include a guide to them on the main description page.* It's too new a concept to expect people to inherently know what you mean.
Overall this is an intriguing idea. I'm making this comment after 1.4, and as of this writing, the AI script generation struggles badly with respecting the player's commands and the displayed stats. It tends to circle around the desired direction and never actually get there.
Meta contextually, I'm impressed you found a workable AI service that is compatible with a sexual themed game. But for your own financial security, if you haven't already you need to replace your payment method with a preloaded account, so the service cannot auto-withdraw you into a negative bank balance.
*(I consider myself an intermediate to advanced computer user with a partial CS degree, and even I'm lost. I'm not going to click on some suspicious looking link with no explanation.)
I mean if you don’t trust the URL to the guide then there’s not much I can do to give you the instructions? I can’t fill up the main game page with 5 pages of instructions and screenshots
I do set a spending limit ofc, unless a million people use the game at once and the service didn’t cut off fast enough xD
I might implement in-game purchases so people don’t have to use their own API key.
For the AI being dumb, I had to use a small cheap model to avoid bankruptcy. If you setup your own API key, you can enable the AI Turbo mode in the Main menu settings to get smarter AI with better memory.
The link that shows ingame is not working for me :c
Hey, i just wanted you to know i just had a blast with it,
Like when i started i freed her by finding a sharp rock than cutting the tentacles wrapped around the arms and neck which freed her than made a run for it, hid, and then climbed a tree only to be pursued by the monster, scrambled for an escape route, came across the another forced red berry bush event which we'd still not taken yet than in spite of distracting the monster tried to hunt a rabbit grazing on it, failed, than let the animal finish eating and follow it to its nest after of which resulted in a feast of rabbit young, got by the monster again immediately, made a run for it before it chould catch us than in a moment of rest notice the growing sensation deep withing, tried to identify the thing within, identiflying the tentacled being; tried to communicate with the creature and take control of it and with its success deepened the connection, command it to travel to the womb(don't ask me she wasn't pregnant before) and to transform into a being that can protect her and in the moment of focus to aid the transformation discover essence of the forest and after that deepen the connection with the both of them, command the forest to protect her and the being inside her, rest and recurpurate, than let the forest guide us for another animal nest, find a nest beside an ancient oak with fruits and nuts, than in closer inspection for any animal within instead find tentacles inside, in the tentacled monsters' lair had 2 small tentacled monsters which instead of attacking directly they gently wrap around her waist and chest after she reaches out in curiosity and they offer sustenance for her, accepting the sustenance she rests and digests for more growth for the being inside,than after forging a phsychic connection with the two small beings and the being inside her, she commands them to act as a bra and panties. than she wanders guided by the forest to a place to rest and grow her offspring safe from any danger.
So yeah its a great game as in mind gymnastics, after a point you just start to only write than pick any suggestions and i didn't even activate that API key if that changes anything, and sorry in advance if it bankrupted thy wallet, my only gimp is pictures aren't(obviusly) varied but if you wanted to add more things to this test game than more pictures and tags for certain statuses both in storywriting perspective and to give more accurate varied pictures to go with the story written, i absolutely didn't feel that it lacked anything even considering the limited range of the pictures and if thats just me than excuse me for enjoying this new experience quite.
And also if anyone cringed at the above story,
give a holler.
Is there a way to display the text instantly after generation instead of "writing" it? I managed to get it to do that once. i dont know how tho.
I’ll add it as an option next time, also server hiccuped for a bit there sry about that.
cool :D
It has to be DeepInfra, this isn’t chatGPT I would have gone bankrupt exactly 5 seconds after I released this game it if had been chatGPT XD
I’m using a much smaller and cheaper open source model - mixtral-7b that is cheaper than chatGPT by 100 times.
Love the game, the AI aspect makes for a unique and inviting experience every time, which I love. The idea behind this project is amazing, but the stats are a lil wonky as the previous poster said. Another issue is that even with the API key, the AI freezes up and makes progress virtually impossile (Unless you dont mind restarting often.)
Im looking forward to the progress you could make with this game. Anyone seeing this who hasn't played should still give it a trial run, at least. I have never seen a lewd game have such inter-activeness. 8/10
Hopefully the stats are less wonky now xD
API Key issue should be fixed too
It's an interesting situation, exploring the jungle and all but I feel like the AI doesn't really know what to do with the stats. Despite the displayed upper limit of the stats, the values carelessly cross that limit. The events seem almost random in which stats they change, like when I choose to run away from a monster, my stamina goes up, as does my weight. The bottommost stat seems to be increasing no matter what too, either bodyfat with it enabled or breasts when bodyfat is disabled.
The images too seem rather incoherent, neither adressing the situation or the stats. The choices I got were rather repetetive, sometimes even giving the same exact answer multiple times at a single prompt.
It's a nice Idea, but the execution is lacking. It doesn't seem like the AI is at a point where you can let it handle all of the game/story on its own. Maybe you should still manage stats and choices given more manually, so that things make more sense
Yeah I’m moving the stats changing logic back to the code, rather than letting the AI change the stats.
The choices are only suggestions, you should enter your own choice, fork your own path :)
Tbh the AI that writes the choices doesn’t have much to work with, I was trying to keep cost down, its bankrupting me Q.Q
You can try to enable AI Turbo mode in the Settings (API Key required) and it will use smarter AI with better memory.
Oh I didn't even see that you could write your own decisions, good to know.
The situation with AIs being this expensive to use is not great, yeah
well individually it’s very cheap, but they add up. Game had 30k plays over 3 days xD
Me encanta esté juego ojala poder apoyar al creador
I really like this!
glad u like it!
Game not loading past "Start the game" screen.
Game will be going over maintenance ~1hr
Ty for the information buddy
Question : what is that API Key ? It says i need one, but no info on it 🤷
Yeah it was very odd and kept getting in the way of making choices if it expired.
Make sure you update to the latest version!
You need to click on Enter API Key, there’s a guide in there.
I just started a new game. Even though I was constantly trying to escape from vines or dodge them, the breast size is constantly increasing without visible reason. But why??
Sry giving the AI control over the player stats wasn’t a good idea, I’m switching back to letting the game logic handle player stats.
I see, thanks for answering :)
Will there be gore? Like tearing off limbs.
When will you continue bellyful life?
I will write a very long blog post about this, but the direction of BSOL I want to take is both 3D and web-based, rather than fixed 2D which has too many limitations, or Unreal 3D which requires expensive computers to run.
Love the new version its really fun to find different routes and really fun too. Love to hear more from u Feiry. Keep up the awesome work buddy. And ofc best of luck.
P.s api key was not letting me play can u remove the api key?
No I will go bankrupt :) Please check the ENTER API KEY button to see how you can quickly get a free one
I do have api key is it bc of the game going under maintenance?
you should be able to play with an API key
Goto Settings and make sure Use API Key is checked
It is but is say network error.. idk what im missing and sorry to stop the work u have doing
make sure you entered the correct API key
I started a new game after updating from 0.1 to 0.1.4 and after erasing my old saves (I was about to anyway) and starting a new game, the first choice I picked made the game UI disappear, leaving only the background. Was playing on the "downloaded" html version from the itch app, if that helps. Game worked fine after closing and reopening.
Will also say tho, great game so far! Takes a little getting used to the kind of prompts that the AI will work, cus the given choices usually start looping very similar encounters pretty quickly. I also noticed that it seems to assume birth happens basically whenever pregnancy is mentioned, often times getting 3 or 4 "You have given birth!" screens before the scene is over. This also makes it hard to reach pregnancy 10, although I'm unsure if that supposed to indicate duration of pregnancy or just size, like belly and breasts.
bro where even is the given birth thing?
Could we possibly get a male version? Sorry, it's a weird request Plus it would probably take a bit too much of time
You’re the first to want a male version, hmm Are you fine with futanari just wonderin
mpreg is not just one person's thing! we're just not as vocal as fpreg fans
I know in the past you've done stuff with futanari, maybe you could have that as an option in this
Sure if there are more demand
i want futanari content 2 (sorry for the late reply i just found this game it is pretty good you don't have to update it if it bankrupts you
very good
i just got
Error processing your message: Cannot find package 'node-fetch' imported from /root/infraserver/server.js
no idea what that means
I was resetting server sry, should work now
i have noticed that some things like "gather materials" and "build a shelter" don't work. it would also be cool if you could get other people into the pictures, (if the pictures are being generated along with the story)
Generating pictures cost significantly more than text @.@
Maybe If I implement some kinda monetization scheme so players pay for what they want…
no idea how all this ai stuff works, if thats the case, i think it would be better to stay free then
haha it was never free, I’m still fronting a lot of the cost Q.Q
how do you activate BodyFat?
Mainmenu -> Settings -> Allow Weight Gain
I guess my previous comment was deleted for having a link in it, but anyway I figure you probably know what you're doing, don't mean to imply you don't! Just wanted to be helpful.
when can we download it
Its not downloadable for the moment as the game requires an internet connection to play.
I would imagine the code at the end of the options is not supposed to show up, correct?
Should be fixed
Not that big right?
would love a cheat menu, to change things like breasts and belly size, would also love to write my own options insted of having multible choice.
another cool feature would be to have animated sex/masturbation scenes in the examine self tab, they dont need to have anything going on with the story, but it would be cool
You definitely can! Just write your option into the textbox, don’t need to select the multiple choice, those are only suggestions!
Of course the game will refuse if its an unreasonable request like nuking the tentacles.
oh, didn't relise that, then im editing my rating from 4 to 5 stars
I agree I think the sex/masturbation scenes would be nice
even procedurally generated stuff would be nice
Game looks good
Is there a Android version?
you can play it in your phone browser
This game is awesome
you’re awesome :3
I hope that you'll add more updates to this game soon! :-)
tbh right now I’m trying to avoid going bankrupt, this AI shit is expensive…
Looks really promising, but it would be nice to have more control over the transformations. They feel a bit much too forced on the player.
Had two "twin" children (one is human and happened spontaneously for no reason (didn't eat anything nor had any encounters until then), the second was from a tentacle egg and was added later, but both were born at the same time). I tried to remain consistent in having the two children on my arms to make sure I wouldn't just abandon two newborns in the middle of the forest, but got distracted with eating fruit and they disappeared (Got attacked by tentacles that restrained my arms with no mention of my children, then the game wouldn't accept any input of me trying to find them), tried everything to make the game mention them again, then when it did I was doing everything for my character to find them, even trying to negotiate with tentacles in exchange of my body. Anyways, by the time I found the two children and was away from tentacle danger, I was like the image shows.
The breasts never stopped growing after I started feeding them, the belly started growing after they went missing (I ate some fruit in the meanwhile cause the game never stopped making me impulsively take a bite whenever I tried to explore a new area), but the pregnant belly was mostly after I found them, as I was restrained by a tentacle and once again gave myself in exchange of having my two children back. It grew one unit every interaction I did, I guess, cause I just looked away for a bit and it was that big...
Anyways, cool game. The saves are a bit weird sometimes, though, but I was playing the first release. Would maybe recommend trying to put a way to retry the AI's imput, as it can get things wrong or deviate the plot easily, for example if you rest while being held by tentacles only to wake up free like it never happened, or the many times I was pregnant and mentioning it was enough for the AI to assume I just gave birth.
for whastever reason the game wont progress the start for me, the screen vanished, leaving only the background art whenever i chose an option
what browser are you using? Brave or other super strict browsers may not work
after clicking check yourself, the menu is gone too now
Whole game works well on mobile, though the BodyFat option is automatically turned off and i don't think there's a setting to activate it. If there's a fix please lmk.
Its in the Setting menu, goto Mainmenu -> Settings -> Allow Weight Gain
futa content in the future?
do you still have the save file? Can I see the 3D view xD
I didn’t save the game, but I can say that the polygons on the shoulders were going up somewhere and you could see emptiness. When you turn off the fat, the model looks better, but the shoulders still fly into the sky.
All you had to do was eat fruit because it was delicious.
The premise is pretty neat, but the AI does not seem to be able to keep up with the PC's growth. Resulting in it haphazardly throwing images with no consistency.
The pathways between scenes could also use some work.
The 3D model looks bad at bigger sizes.
5+/10 so far.
Did you happen to grow past the limit? (For example 20/10 bellysize and such)? The limit is for visual only, and you can definitely go past that but neither the 3D view or 2D can really make up the difference.
Can you explain a bit more about what you mean with this?
1)There is no hardcap for growth so eventually you do get past it, less gain per scene could be beneficial here.
2)Some scenes have stats listed in the outcome (+breast, +preg, etc) would like to see more of that & something like a journal to note down which encounter already happened once or more.